Gums Treatment

In some of the dental cases, treatment of gums diseases go beyond the regular instances wherein there are symptoms of gums bleeding and weakening of the gum muscles. Having gums problem also shoots the additional concerns (though not grave) like bad breath that can prolong bacteria formation in the gums. The build-up of bacteria and plaque can greatly harm the structure of the tooth and in the worst cases; the tooth can loosen up as well. At Venkateshwar Center of Dental Excellence, there is detailed examination for gums inflammation and a complete medical history check up is also done to ascertain what the risk factors are and how they may be contributing to the gum diseases.
- Laser Gummy Smile Correction
- Full Mouth Scaling and Polishing
- Deep Cleaning
- Gum Surgery
- Socket Preservation Therapy
- Bad Breathe Treatment
- Laser Gums Depigmentation
- Mobile Teeth Solution With Splinting
If you notice that your gums significantly cover up your front teeth, then you are having gummy smile indeed. Although it does not have any serious dental repercussions but it does mar your smile and can even make your well-set teeth look unappealing. However, Centre of Dental Excellence at Venkateshwar Hospital has come forth with several painless and bloodless treatments for gummy smile that can correct your gummy smile. Besides, the traditional surgical procedure of treating gummy smile, Venkateshwar Dental Clinic also offer Laser Gummy Smile Correction procedure that help the patients with gummy smile to enjoy an aesthetic look. This treatment procedure actually is employed to reduce the length of the gums and to balance the gum tissues in order to shape and size the upper lip and to make the teeth look better than ever before.
During the procedure the laser will cauterize and remove additional tissues, so patients will experience less or no bleeding during the procedure. Besides, the chances of pain and infection are also very less than traditional surgical procedures. Moreover, the patients may experience sore or swollen gums for few days, which will diminish automatically.
No matter what is the reason of your gummy smile, but you don’t need to put yourself under knife today because laser treatment is available to correct the condition with ease. You need to visit our clinic for complete evaluation of the condition where you will find out the reason and condition of the gummy smile through x-rays and tests. It helps us to find the suited treatment for your condition.
Dental cleanings involve plaque removal (soft, sticky, bacteria film) and tartar (calculus) deposits that have built up on the teeth over time. Your teeth souse in saliva continually and the saliva contains calcium, phosphorus, fluorides and other substances, which help strengthen and protect the teeth. While this is a good thing, it also means that we tend to get a deposition of calcium on the teeth. Usually, it is tooth colored and can easily be mistaken as part of the teeth, but it also can vary from brown to black in color
On a more common basis, an ultrasonic instrument which uses tickling vibrations to knock larger pieces of tartar loose. It also sprays a cooling mist of water while it works to wash away debris and keep the area at a proper temperature. The device typically emits a humming or high-pitched whistling sound. This may seem louder than it actually is because the sound may get amplified inside your head, just like when you put an electric toothbrush into your mouth. It’s recommended visiting your dentist every 6 months for then regular checkup & full mouth scaling & polishing.
If plaque and tartar is left on the teeth, it makes for a happy breeding ground for bacteria. The bacteria can cause irritation to the gums i.e. the inflammation causes bleeding in the gums. It I is noticeable when you are brushing your teeth, or eating. This is the early stage of gum disease called gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, your dentist or hygienist will clean your teeth by scaling or polishing them. They may also recommend an antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine and show you the right method to brush and floss your teeth effectively. Most adults have some degree of gum disease. If gingivitis is not treated and nothing is done about it, the inflammation will work its way down towards the foundations of the tooth causing a “periodontal pocket”. Again, within the confines of the pocket, the conditions are such that the bacteria can cause more damage. To stop gum disease from progressing, your dentist may advise periodontal therapy, or teeth deep cleaning. This gets rid of the bacteria in the pocket and provides the necessary conditions for healing.
What Is The Difference Between An Ordinary Cleaning And Deep Cleaning?
There is some confusion about the difference between scaling and root planning. Scaling is basically the process of removing dental tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. On the other hand, root planning is the process of smoothening the root surfaces and removing any infected tooth structure. If you have gum disease or gum pocketing, the gum pockets around the teeth will have deepened, thereby allowing tartar deposits to form under the gum line.
The two processes tend to blur together since during the cleaning process, the dental worker scales away tartar and performs any necessary root planning at the same time. Any roughness can be planed away to result in a silky smooth surface.
Surgical Treatment for Gum Disease
Some treatments for gum disease are surgical. Some examples are:
- Flap surgery/pocket reduction surgery. During this procedure the gums are lifted back and the tarter is removed. In some cases, irregular surfaces of the damaged bone are smoothened to limit areas where disease-causing bacteria can hide. The gums are then placed so that a close fitting is established around the tooth. This method reduces the size of the space between the gum and tooth, thereby decreasing the areas where harmful bacteria can grow and decreasing the chance of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.
- Bone grafts This procedure involves using fragments of your own bone, synthetic bone, or donated bone to replace bone destroyed by gum disease. The grafts serve as a platform for the regeneration of bone, which restores stability to teeth. New technology, called tissue engineering, encourages your own body to regenerate bone and tissue at an accelerated rate.
- Soft tissue grafts. This procedure reinforces thin gums or fills in places where gums have receded. Grafted tissue, most often taken from the roof of the mouth, is stitched in place, adding tissue to the affected area.
- Guided tissue regeneration. Performed when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed, this procedure stimulates bone and gum tissue growth. Done in combination with flap surgery, a small piece of mesh-like fabric is inserted between the bone and gum tissue. This keeps the gum tissue from growing into the area where the bone should be, allowing the bone and connective tissue to grow back to better support the teeth.
Socket Preservation Therapy is a particular course of action in which graft material or scaffold is placed in the socket of an extracted tooth at the time of extraction to preserve the alveolar ridge. After extraction, jaw bones have to be preserved to keep sockets in its original shape. Without socket preservation, the bone quickly undergoes resorption. The jaw bone will never be able to retain its original shape once bone is lost and tissue contour has changed.
Socket Preservation procedure is effective in preventing immediate bone resorption after extraction thus keeping the contour and integrity of the socket with successful and natural looking appearance for tooth restorative procedures. All dental prosthesis requires good jaw bone support for it to be successful in the long run.
Types of materials that could be used for Socket Preservation
- Autograft – Bone harvested from patient’s own body.
- Xenograft – Bone grafts or collagen from bovine origin.
- Allograft – Irradiated Block bone graft from cadaver.
- Alloplast – Synthetic biomaterials such as PLGA, hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, bioglass – ceramics etc
Halitosis, breath odor, morning breath or bad breath are all similar terms used in dentistry to describe a markedly obnoxious odor that is exhaled on breath of individuals. Though it is not a serious health condition, it can take a toll on a person’s social life and interpersonal relationships.
Many of us are well aware of the fact that consumption of certain foods like onions and garlic can affect our breath. This happens because these types of foods are mainly absorbed by the bloodstream and then it is transferred to our lungs, thus we exhale bad breath. However, bad breath caused due to the consumption of certain foods is temporary. But the bad breath that is caused due to tobacco products, smoking , improper cleaning of dentures and poor oral health need immediate medical attention as these reasons may cause further damage to your oral health.
If the bad breath is exhaled due to gum disease, then immediate medical attention is required. In gum disease, the gums tissues are pulled away from the teeth and deep pockets are formed where odor-causing bacteria is accumulated. It requires professional cleaning in these deep area pockets to remove the bacteria for the treatment of gum disease. Sometime the dentists may also ask you to replace faulty tooth restorations because it can be a breeding ground of odor-causing bacteria.
You can eliminate the embarrassing problem of bad breath at Venkasteshwar Hospital’s Center of Dental Excellence which also provides excellent oral care treatment.
By and large, we may define Laser Gum De-pigmentation as a dental procedure that is mainly executed to remove the pigments and ugly spots from the gums which is caused due to excessive melanin. Generally, the color of the Gingiva or the gum tissue is pink in color, but due to the accumulation of excessive melanin, the patient experience ugly patches on gum tissues which is considered to be a cosmetic dental problem. Many reasons can be attributed to the development of patches in the gum tissues. It has been found out that the use of certain synthetic medications for long-term and smoking can cause gum patches. However, there are several treatments available in dentistry to treat this type of problem. The treatment options include surgical, chemical and laser. If the patient is seeking a permanent treatment, he/she may opt for laser gum de-pigmentation. This procedure is not only effective but also painless and bloodless.
The extreme pain to the teeth can be transmitted to the supporting structures, which get damaged. This can cause mobility of the teeth. Such mobile teeth may require splinting for a specified period of time till the supporting tissues heal and the tooth becomes stable.
In the procedure of splinting, the teeth are supported in its position for a period of time. This is done to teeth that have been inflicted with pain and whose supporting structures are affected by disease, which prevents them from supporting the teeth. Splinting involves binding a group of teeth together so that the action of biting is shared by a large number of teeth instead of being born by the affected tooth.